The distinctive green roof form of the Sengkang Riverside Park Large Childcare Centre came about as the architects wanted to integrate the building mass with the park — the first and only project in Singapore located in a park. The ‘rolling hill’ concept would enable the structure to ‘merge’ with its surroundings. The building adopts […]
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The expandable house (rumah tambah in Bahasa Indonesia, or rubah for short) is a component of the Tropical Town project, and is designed as a sustainable response to the challenges of rapidly developing cities in monsoon Asia. The expandable house adjusts to the fluctuating patterns of resource consumption and expenditure, or metabolism, of its residents. […]
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Made up of stark stonewalls, steel pipes (granted a second life from construction scaffolding) and bamboo, the S Space serves as an ‘open’ space for the community with a focus on culture and the arts. The project is located in a new emerging urban area with a high construction density in Dong Van town, Ha […]
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Chieng Yen Community House was built with the intention of creating a space—a common house of sorts and information centre—for the different groups to come together to share and let the various cultural and traditional handicrafts and practices be known; and possibly where tourism activities could also take place. Nestled amidst a picturesque setting of […]
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This student housing complex is for 540 children of settlers, caboclos and indigenous people coming from remote areas of the country, some travelling many hours by boat, to study at Canuanã School—the nation’s largest boarding school—on the edge of the rainforest in central Brazil. The project aims to answer the question of whether it is […]
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Boralukanda Primary is one of many schools in remote Sri Lanka with little or no support, funds, or other forms of assistance to upgrade their physical infrastructure and build additional—and necessary—facilities to improve the quality of teaching and learning. For example, having a proper place to keep and read books, and maybe eventually housing a […]
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Built at the edge of a rural landscape ravaged by illegal quarrying, the Sharanam Centre for Rural Development enables a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) to expand its community-led transformation of chronically underdeveloped villages outside Pondicherry, India. Meaning ‘refuge’, Sharanam comprises a large vaulted hall, offices, kitchen, gardens and environmental infrastructure integrated into a healed 5-acre […]
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The primary purpose of Nest We Grow—a food hub that is part garden, part kitchen—is to bring the community together to store, prepare and enjoy local foods in a welcoming and festive atmosphere that touches all five senses. An open, public structure, it was completed in just over six months due to a short building […]
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Located in Towada city in Japan’s Aomori Prefecture, this timber-framed building was built as a community centre for people to gather, particularly during the harsh winter weather. The architects created an indoor landscape that imitates the outdoors, effectively bringing the external environment inside, to provide a safe and sheltered public space for all. For example, […]
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Nam Dam is a village that is located in the Quan Ba District of Ha Giang, the most northern province in Vietnam. Situated on the mountain top and covered with rich forests and terraced fields, this place is inhabited by the Dao ethnic minority and recognised for its cultural characteristics: traditional costumes; festivals; brocade; cuisines; herbal […]
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One of the United Nations’ eight Millennium Development Goals is to ensure environmental sustainability, including the improvement of sanitation facilities. Despite progress in sanitation coverage, there are currently about 2.5 billion people all over the world who lack access to basic sanitation and more than a billion people are still practising open defecation. In Vietnam, […]
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Cyberjaya is a 7,000-acre township with a daytime population of around 64,000 people. Currently a work in progress, it intends to accommodate approximately 250,000 people once completed. With science and information technology development at its core, the city is also planned to be one of Malaysia’s Green townships, together with Putrajaya, the government administrative centre […]
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