Notice: Thank you for your participation! The competition winners and merit recipients have been announced.
Download the press release | Watch the announcement video

Read more about the awarding events by country: Vietnam | Hong Kong | Singapore | Malaysia | Indonesia



FUTURARC PRIZE (FAP) 2024 asks entrants to propose architectural solutions for the continuation of life after either ONE or BOTH of the following scenarios:

A) Climate Destruction: Any significant/extreme climate-related disasters triggered by hydrometeorological (e.g., floods, storms, heat waves) or climatological (e.g., droughts, wildfires) causes.

Consider how the current year’s heatwaves have broken historic records around the world, with scientists postulating that it is Earth’s hottest-ever climate in at least 120,000 years. The reality of a global-scale climate disaster is not far off—in fact, large-scale ones have long affected vulnerable populations. How can architecture respond to this?

B) Endings: The end of lifespans—be it of humans; non-human species; ecosystems such as forests, coral reefs, drylands; etc., due to famine, disease, massive extraction, etc.

All living beings perish. Current methods of treating expired matter tend to be carbon-intensive or require much land, a resource that is scarce. At the urban level, facilities such as graveyards/crematoriums are still negatively perceived. Can the end of life, for humans or ecosystems, be handled in a way that brings hope and renewal for the future?



Proposals must contain the following:

  1. WHERE: Pick a site located in Asia. The site area should be a maximum of 5 hectares (50,000 square metres). The site may be your current place of residence or any place that you are familiar with.
  2. WHICH: Choose which scenario/s (either A) Climate Destruction or B) Endings or both) will be addressed based on the selected site:
  • If A), define and detail what is the climate disaster that would affect the selected site context. Intense heat? Extreme drought? Earth covered in sea water?
  • If B), specify the context of endings. Is it that of lifespans of humans, non-humans or ecosystems?

Based on your choice, explain the ways it affects the site’s context in terms of physical/spatial conditions; community/population conditions; socioeconomic conditions; and ecological/natural conditions.

  1. WHAT: is the proposed sustainable architectural solution? These solutions may be new builds or adapt to existing buildings, and can be of any typology.
  2. HOW: is the solution to be applied and carried out.

Important Notes

  • Use your imagination to illustrate the scenarios in detail! Take inspiration from different sources—consult a sociologist, biologist or ecologist or make inroads into available knowledge where possible. Make sure to cite your sources/references.
  • Designs should be zero-waste, meaning that there should be little or no leftover waste that cannot be naturally returned to the site/earth. Think about circular principles (cradle-to-grave systems) and maximising resources to self-sustain the community.
  • Designs should be low-carbon and non-polluting—not just towards water, air and soil, but also in terms of visuals/light, noise, smell, etc. Hence, designs cannot be based on fossil fuel sources.
  • Consider how under extreme conditions, architectural solutions (especially in the short term) are more likely to only use local resources available within a reasonable radius from the site.
  • Make use of technologies that are currently available, scalable and affordable; any postulation of future technologies must be based on today’s tools.

Evaluation Criteria

Judging will be based on a clear explanation of the following corresponding to the task:

  1. RELEVANCE: The selected scenario/s (climate disaster and/or ending of lifespans) and solution must be relevant to the site conditions and context, fulfilling the brief in terms of design and functions, supported by thorough analysis.
  2. INTEGRATION: Layers of interacting natural and human-made systems, including but not limited to climate responsiveness/resilience, socioeconomic considerations, etc.
  3. IMPACT: How the proposed solution affects the community and the environment, including but not limited to the optimisation of resources, improvement to health and well-being, biodiversity, etc.
  4. INNOVATION: Originality of solutions proposed, including but not limited to adoption of technological tools, application of regenerative principles, low-carbon strategies, etc.

Important Notes

  • As design and creativity are an accumulation of other ideas, research and groundwork that may come from various sources, judging will also look at how much original ideation is put into the proposals; and at effort put into the process, not just the outcome.

Rules & Regulations


  • FuturArc Prize 2024 is open internationally to any individual or team, student or professional.
  • Each team may comprise up to five members and may comprise different related disciplines. The composition of team members may include students and/or professionals.
  • Teams are prohibited from swapping or removing any existing member of the team after they have submitted their entries. Team members are only allowed to be on one team.
  • One member of the team must also be designated as leader and identified as such on the registration form. This member will be the team’s sole representative in all liaisons with the competition registrar.
  • The team leader must have a background in architecture (i.e., is a student of, has graduated from or is practicing architecture).
  • All members of the team are regarded as co-authors of the project they submitted together and will be acknowledged as such in all announcements, displays, exhibitions and publications associated with the competition.
  • Individual entrants are regarded as the author of the project they submit and will be acknowledged as such in all announcements, displays, exhibitions and publications associated with the competition.
  • Each individual entrant is their own representative in all liaisons with the competition registrar.


  • Competition Organisers and Affiliates: Individuals involved in organising the competition, whether directly or indirectly, including their employees and immediate family members, are strictly prohibited from entering the competition.
  • Assessment Committee and Jury Members and Affiliates: Any individuals serving on the assessment committee or as jury members, along with their respective professional entities, employees, and immediate family members, are unequivocally barred from entering the competition.
  • BCI Employees and Former Employees: Current and former employees of the organisation BCI, regardless of their past or present positions, are disallowed from participating in the competition. Moreover, immediate family members of current or former BCI employees are also excluded from entering.
  • Jury Members and Their Professional Affiliates: Jury members and any organisations associated with their professional endeavours, employees of these entities, and immediate family members are comprehensively forbidden from entering the competition. This extends to anyone designated to assess or rate competition submissions.
  • Non-Disclosure: Entrants must not submit any project that has been published or made public, in part or in full, before the closing date for online submission. Entrants are prohibited from disclosing their identities, names, countries of residence and/or practice before the competition results are made public by the competition organiser. Failure to comply with any of the above may lead to immediate disqualification.

These measures are instituted to ensure the utmost fairness, transparency, and impartiality in the competition’s evaluation process. Any infringement upon these eligibility criteria will result in disqualification without exception. The intention is to safeguard the integrity of the competition and uphold the principles of ethical conduct and unbiased judgment.

Terms & Conditions (T&C)

  • Participant Acceptance: All participants are required to accept and adhere to the rules and regulations of the competition.
  • Participants Details: All details about participants’ professions, nationalities, business addresses, and company names are correct. Any inaccuracies will lead to disqualification from the competition.
  • No Contact with Jury: Participants are strictly prohibited from contacting the jury under any circumstances.
  • Accurate Data Submission: Participants are responsible for providing accurate and truthful data during the registration process. The data they provide will be used as per the terms specified.
  • Identity Verification: The Organiser holds the right to verify the identity of participants, which might involve requesting additional proof of identification.
  • Accountability for Materials Submitted: Participants hold sole responsibility for all materials submitted. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring proper license for images created using tools such as natural language prompts (AI). Any submitted proposals must not infringe upon third-party intellectual rights, violate laws, or encourage unlawful conduct. By submitting proposals, participants confirm their ownership of the materials and assert having all necessary rights and authorisations to distribute them.
  • Use of Protected Images/Materials: The Organiser is not liable for using protected images and/or materials by participants.
  • Originality of Projects: Participants are expected to submit original projects. Plagiarism or using copyrighted images, photos, or architectural/art pieces is strictly prohibited. Violating this rule will result in prize revocation removal from the website, social media, and publications.
  • Organiser’s Non-Approval: The Organiser does not endorse or validate any proposals or awarded entries. The Organiser is not liable for any omissions or errors. Statements or opinions expressed by participants do not necessarily reflect the views of the Organiser, unless stated otherwise. The Organiser disclaims liability arising from reliance on the provided information.
  • Changes to Competition: The Organiser reserves the right to modify competition dates, deadlines, and requirements. Any changes or updates will be communicated through the official competition website and social media channels. Participants are responsible for regularly checking these sources.
  • Cancellation: The Organiser reserves the right to cancel or suspend the Competition or Competition Brief and/or other applicable requirements at any time and stage at its own discretion, including but not limited to when it is considered necessary or if circumstances arise outside of its control.
  • Disqualification: The organisers reserve the right to disqualify any submission if, in the organiser’s opinion, the content is inaccurate, misleading, untruthful, offensive, inappropriate or could harm BCI’s reputation. Entrants must not submit any project that has been published or made public, in part or in full, before the closing date for online submission. Entrants are prohibited from disclosing their identities, names, countries of residence and/or practice before the competition results are made public by the competition organiser. Failure to comply with any of the above may lead to immediate disqualification.
  • Privacy Policy: By accepting these terms you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”) and other applicable data protection laws.

Intellectual Property

  • Ownership and Usage of Submitted Materials: All materials submitted to the competition shall become the exclusive property of the Organiser. The Organiser retains full rights to publish, promote, and utilise these materials, with appropriate acknowledgement of the participants who authored the proposals.
  • Rights Granted by Participants: By submitting a proposal, participants grant the Organiser the irrevocable right to employ the received materials in printed and online platforms/publications without any financial compensation. This includes the right to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the materials.
  • Modification of Submitted Materials: The Organiser reserves the right to modify any submitted materials as necessary to effectively adapt them to the formats and layouts of the platforms/publications in which they will be featured. Such modifications will be made while maintaining the integrity and essence of the original content.


Submission Materials & Requirements

Panels [click to download]

  • Entries are to be submitted by following the template provided, comprising 5 panels per entry (4 for the design proposal + 1 for citations/references).
  • Maximum file size of all 5 panels to be submitted is 15MB; in A2 size, PDF format. If you are selected as a winner/merit, you will need to provide high-resolution individual images of your panels.
  • Images should consist only of drawings, rendered images, photographs and thumbnails.
  • The total site area; actual images of the site; and geographical coordinates must be included.
  • Scales that are necessary to comprehend certain drawings (plans, sections, etc.) must be shown as graphic scales next to the drawing.
  • The contents of the panels should be sufficient to impart a clear understanding of the proposal and presented according to the stated evaluation criteria.
  • Any identifying details e.g. team member names and/or practices MUST NOT be displayed anywhere on the panels.
  • Panels should be submitted in English; entries submitted in other languages will be disqualified.


You can also download the Submission Panels & Forms Template package here:
[Click to download] ZIP file, 230 KB

Submission Steps

  1. Register from the banner on FuturArc App:
    Download on App Store | Download on Play Store
    or scan the QR code below:
    FuturArc App QR Code
  2. Submit the materials via:

*Indicate in your email subject the project name and your name (or team leader’s name); for example: Rebar House_Dinda Wijaya

  • Remember to complete both steps 1) and 2) to ensure that your entry is valid. Failing to do so will result in disqualification.
  • Adhering to Submission Requirements: Please be aware that any submission that does not follow the submission requirements will not be considered and will be disqualified.
  • Please note that there is no automatic confirmation for entries sent as ZIP files via email. If you wish to receive a confirmation when our team has downloaded your entry, you may send us a link from WeTransfer or a similar service.


Up to SGD20,500 cash prizes to be won!

  • First Place:
    • FuturArc Prize Trophy
    • Certificates
    • Cash prize
    • 2-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Second Place:
    • FuturArc Prize Trophy
    • Certificates
    • Cash prize
    • 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Third Place:
    • FuturArc Prize Trophy
    • Certificates
    • Cash prize
    • 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Merits (Several teams will be awarded based on jurors’ selection):
    • Certificates
    • Cash prize
    • 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app

*) Cash prize amount might be subject to changes. Details of the prize will be updated on FuturArc website in time. Competition Organiser reserves the right to change the prizes.

Important Notes

  • Awards will be given based on quality of entry, regardless of the country of origin.
  • Awards given to team entrants will be presented to the team leader and are to be shared at the discretion of the team members.
  • All projects from winning entrants and merit recipients may be published on FuturArc website, social media and in FuturArc magazine.
  • The jury shall have full freedom to decide on the winners and merits. The jury decision shall be final and binding on all entrants.
  • The competition registrar reserves the right to not award any prize where the jurors agree that submissions are of insufficient quality.
  • Digital certificates of participation will be sent out to all registrants who submit their proposals.
  • Provided that physical events are allowed to take place, awardees will be recognised at BCI Asia Awards (BCIAA)—a gala event that attracts key architecture, building and construction industry players in Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam respectively.
  • Cash prizes will be disbursed by bank transfer after the awarding has been completed across all countries.


blank Dzung Do Nguyen, Co-Founder and CEO of enCity and enfarm Agritech, is an expert in urban development with comprehensive experience across Asia. His work primarily focuses on strategic city development, smart city planning and water-sensitive urban design, among others. He has led multidisciplinary teams and engaged decision-makers in the real estate sector and government agencies, innovating with market-responsive, context-sensitive and implementation-ready urban solutions. His projects have received awards from the International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) and the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP).
blank Farizan d’Avezac de Moran, Senior Partner and leader at GreenA Consultants, is involved with sustainable projects in Asia and Africa. An engineer by training, she is a board member of Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) and chairs the Carbon Committee. Some of her notable projects in Singapore include the Super Low Energy Singapore Discovery Centre, Zero Energy Nee Soon South Community Centre and Positive Energy DSTA (Defence Science and Technology Agency) Hangar. She has been conferred the Institute of Engineers Singapore Sustainability Awards 2023 for the project on PSA Tuas Maintenance Base; BCA (Building and Construction Authority)-SGBC Green Building Advocate Award 2015; and Schneider Green Award 2023.
blank Dr Tony Ip, Founder of Tony Ip Green Architects (TiP), is a community-centric, sustainable design architect and urban designer. His practice advocates for Green architecture and a biophilic ‘urbanscape’ in response to climate change. He has a flair for multi-disciplinary practices, with an academic background spanning architecture; civil, structural and geotechnical engineering; to a doctorate in philosophy. Aside from serving on various advisory boards and committees, he acts as a council member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and is the Immediate Past Chairman of Hong Kong Architecture Centre. Most recently, he received the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Medal of Honour in 2022 and TiP was bestowed the Pioneer Award of Green Building Leadership in the Hong Kong Green Building Council’s Green Building Award 2023.


Media Partners & Supporting Organisations



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I register for FuturArc Prize 2024?
Register via FuturArc App by downloading the app (App Store | Play Store) and clicking on the banner.


2. I need to update/correct my registration data (institution/contact number/address/team members/etc.) How can I do that?
To update or correct your registration data, simply re-register using the same email address, and your latest date of registration will count as the updated data.
Please note that team members cannot be changed after your entry has been submitted.

3. I am not an architecture professional or student; can I participate in FuturArc Prize 2024?
If you are currently practising in another discipline, but have attended architecture school in the past, you are eligible to participate as a team leader/solo entrant.

As stated in the Rules & Regulations, other disciplines (such as, but not limited to, landscape architecture, urban design, planning, engineering, interior design, graphic design, psychology, sociology etc.) may be part of the team members.

We encourage a collaboration of multiple disciplines in order to enrich the design. However, the team leader/solo entrant must be an architecture professional OR student/graduate, since the brief asks for architectural interventions as a key component of the design proposal.

4. Will I receive a confirmation email for my registration and submission for FuturArc Prize 2024?
After registering, you will receive an automated confirmation email that contains important information about the FuturArc Prize 2024 template and forms. Please check your Junk mail just in case; or add [email protected] to your whitelist.

Submissions sent via email will not receive confirmation emails. If you would like to receive an automated notification when we download your submission, you may send via WeTransfer link. See Submission Steps above for more detail.

5. I have registered for the competition, will I receive a registration number?
As with the previous 2 cycles, there is no registration number assigned to entrants. See Submission Steps above for how to submit your entries.

6. Why do I need to fill in my ID/passport number?
Participants of the competition are required to provide their ID Card/Passport Number for the purpose of identity verification, following the standard procedure for competitions. For more information, please see our Rules & Regulations.

7. Can I submit my entry to FuturArc Prize 2024 in person?
Entrants are encouraged to tender all submissions in electronic format online (see Submission Steps).

8. Can I submit additional materials outside of the template?
Under no circumstances will the jury consider additional panels, materials or individual images that do not fit into the submission template.

In the event that an entrant’s proposal exceeds the 4 panels + 1 references/citations template given, only the first 4 panels may be considered for judging. Proposals that do not include references/citations may be disqualified.

9. Can I submit multiple entries to FuturArc Prize 2024?
Each individual/team entrant can only submit 1 proposal. Multiple entries per individual/team entrant will not be allowed.

In the event of multiple entries per individual/team entrant, only the latter date of submission will be counted.

10. Have you received my submission? Is there a notification when our submission is received?
We go through every entry to make sure that your submission is received and recorded. Please note that there is no automatic confirmation for entries sent as ZIP files via email. If you wish to receive a confirmation when our team has downloaded your entry, you may send us a link from WeTransfer or a similar service.

Our team will be going through a high number of submissions closer to the deadline, so please wait until your entry is downloaded!

11. Will my entry be disqualified if I posted it on social media, or if my entry is published on a public forum already?
Since the judging should be done anonymously (see Rules & Regulations), your entry will be immediately disqualified if it is published or posted, in part or in full, before the competition results are announced.

12. Will I be notified about the results of the FuturArc Prize 2024 competition?
Only winners and merit recipients will be notified via email ahead of the awards ceremony.
After the awards cycle has been completed, digital certificates of participation will be sent out to all registrants who have submitted their proposals.

Public updates about winner/merit announcements will be made on FuturArc’s website and social media platforms.

13. Are the cash prizes inclusive of tax?
As an international competition with winners from different countries, we do not offer personalised tax advice for individual situations. Cash prizes will be disbursed once the awards cycle concludes, and each recipient is responsible for conducting their own research and complying with the relevant tax regulations in their respective countries.

14. How do I find out updates about FuturArc Prize 2024?
Please check for official updates on FuturArc website and/or social media channels. This is to ensure all participants have access to the same amount of information. Questions sent via social media channels will not be addressed.

15. How do I contact the Organiser if I have questions?
All questions must be sent to [email protected] to be addressed.

Key Dates

  • 7 September 2023: Registration & submission start
  • 9 February 2024 (23:59 Singapore time/UTC+8): Registration & submission end
  • End March to April 2024: Results & individual notification
  • May to June 2024: Awards*

*) Awards ceremony dates are to be confirmed. Competition Organiser reserves the right to change the schedule of the competition.



For any queries, please contact us at [email protected]

What is FuturArc Prize?

Launched in 2008, FuturArc Prize is the first international Green building design competition in Asia open to professionals and students. It aims to trigger continuous change and creativity in the art and science of building design, showcasing innovative ideas and solutions for a sustainable future. With a highly respected international jury and tremendous industry support, the Prize enables Green building design ideas and practitioners to emerge on the regional stage. Winning entries from the competition are published in both the Journal’s annual Green edition and on its website. Year after year, the competition attracts an increasing number of participants from more than 15 countries.

Competition Registrar
FuturArc Prize
300 Beach Road
The Concourse
Singapore 199555
Email: [email protected]

FuturArc is the Competition Organiser. FuturArc is a quarterly publication that recognises the impact of buildings on society and the environment, promoting architecture that is socially and ecologically responsible.

The Competition Registrar is BCI Central Singapore Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of the BCI Group of Companies.