Mapei’s Soundproofing Solutions for Living Comfort
Brought to you by Mapei
Urban development has led to an inevitable increase of noise coming from our surroundings. Mapei offers two types of soundproofing solutions to improve the acoustic efficiency of our living and working environments.

Mapesonic CR
This is an innovative, under-floor soundproofing system to combat the noise of footsteps transmitted through floor slabs, and applied before laying ceramic tile, stone and engineered wood floor finishes. It has been specifically developed for application in existing buildings to improve soundproofing without removing the floors and screeds, thus speeding up the installation process. Mapesonic CR is manufactured using recomposed cork and rubber bound together with high-quality polyurethane composite with low emission of volatile organic compounds (EMICODE EC1 Plus).
Mapesonic Strip is first laid in a continuous layer around the perimeter of the room. Next, adhesive is applied on the sound substrate and the Mapesonic CR is put in place. New flooring finishes may be bonded after 24–48 hours.
Mapesilent Roll
This alternative system is a simple, reliable and efficient method to form an isolated floating screed that is insulated from the support structure before laying flooring materials such as ceramic tiles, stone, resilient and wood coverings. The system comprises three components: Mapesilent Roll, an elasto-plastomeric membrane; Mapesilent Band R, a polyethylene adhesive band; and Mapesilent Tape, a polystyrene sealing tape.
Installation is quick and easy by laying Mapesilent Roll on the floor, ensuring that each border overlaps the adjacent one. The joints between the rolls are then sealed with Mapesilent Tape. Mapesilent Band R is applied on the perimeter of the walls. Thereafter, the floating screed is set in place and selected floor finishes can be installed. Mapesilent is certified by international standards EN ISO 10140-3: 2010, EN ISO 717-2: 2007, EN 29052-1: 1993 and EN 29053: 1993. When fully installed, the reduction in the noise of footsteps (ΔLw) can be more than 30 dB.
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