Didi Contractor

Architectural sage Didi Contractor devoted the later part of her life to designing environmentally conscious buildings while living in the small village of Sidbari in India’s Himachal Pradesh. Renowned for her use of natural building materials and designs deeply rooted in sustainability, she inspired countless students with her visionary approach. Lakshmi Swaminathan, her dedicated mentee, […]

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Sustainable Design: Balancing Environmental Concerns and Users’ Well-being

In bustling Hong Kong, architects grapple with the perils of upgrading aged high-density buildings and infrastructure while advocating new design approaches that are environmentally friendly and people-centred. Dr Tony Ip is a leading voice amongst seasoned architectural practitioners. As founder of Tony Ip Green Architects (TiP), he has carved a unique niche combining his expertise […]

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Sustainable Finance: Future-proofing the Built Environment


As climate change is no longer a distant threat but a present reality, the built environment must evolve to meet the challenges of sustainability and resilience. Sustainable finance emerges as a crucial tool in this transformation, guiding investments towards projects that not only promise financial returns, but also deliver environmental and social benefits. To delve […]

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Harnessing Uheat: Can a Digital Tool Combat Urban Heat Island Effect?


“Urban heat is not just a discomfort; it’s a serious issue affecting our health and social fabric,” says Tony Chan, an Associate Principal and Planning Business Leader in Arup, overseeing the multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy’s Southeast Asia urban planning projects. In densely populated cities like Singapore where Tony is based, UHI effect poses a significant challenge. […]

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How Can Academia Help the Urban Poor Facing Climate Change?


Associate Professor Sigit Dwiananto Arifwidodo, or Sigit to friends, is a distinguished academic at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Kasetsart University in Bangkok. His research primarily focuses on sustainable urban development and climate change, particularly within the context of Asian cities. Sigit’s journey into urban heat island (UHI) research began in 2014 when he started […]

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Tempering Temperatures


Dear FuturArc readers, In some warm-weather countries, taking a siesta or nap in the midday or early afternoon is a common tradition. “In places such as Spain or Mexico, people traditionally didn’t work during the hottest part of the day. Instead, they were more active at night when it was cooler… this is where the […]

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