Rebuilding Before Building

As an extension of her immersive involvement with the Rebuilding Pavilion at the International Union of Architects (UIA) World Congress of Architects, Copenhagen (see report in Happenings section), Bhawna Jaimini spoke to three architects from different parts of the world to present practical examples in an attempt to map a discourse on adaptive reuse to […]

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Studio 877 by localground


RE-ADAPTING PRIVATE PROPERTIES FOR PUBLIC USE Studio 877 is situated in the old cantonment quarters of the city of Pune in western India. It is home to an architectural practice—Local Ground—and the Loft, a cultural space, both started by architect Khushru Irani. The 100-year-old building, which was in a dilapidated state, was given a new […]

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Transformation of a former factory into affordable quality housing by Arcgency


REUSING OLD INFRASTRUCTURE FOR PRESENT CHALLENGES Ryslinge is a small town with a population of less than 2,000 people in Central Denmark. It is governed by the Faaborg Midtfyn municipality, which hired Copenhagen-based architecture firm Arcgency to convert an old factory into affordable housing. Camilla Lemb Nielsen, an architect who works with Arcgency, joined in […]

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Setting a Rebuilding Agenda for a Broken Battered World


Notes from the Rebuilding Pavilion at the World Congress of Architects, Copenhagen On an unusually warm spring afternoon, I received an unexpected email from Ingeborg Hau, Chief Advisor, Architecture and Sustainable Development Goals, for the International Union of Architects (UIA) World Congress of Architects 2023. The event was to be held in Copenhagen between 2 […]

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Collaborations to Strengthen Malaysia’s Climate Action at IGEM 2023


Regional collaboration This year, the theme of International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia (IGEM) 2023 was Race Towards Net Zero: Leadership for Climate Action. Held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from 4 to 6 October 2023, the exhibition was organised along the sub-themes of Empowering Cities; Electrifying Mobility; Decarbonising Energy; Accelerating […]

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FuturArc Exchange and Exhibitions (FEX) | 4Q 2023


Many architects follow the flow, while some changemakers dare to go against the grain of what is conventional. In Indonesia’s construction industry, thorough adoption of Green and sustainable design strategies is an ongoing process—and the platform of FEX serves to highlight and provide an avenue for knowledge-sharing amongst architects, designers and construction industry professionals who […]

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Khondaker Hasibul Kabir & Suhailey Farzana


Khondaker Hasibul Kabir & Suhailey Farzana are architects based in Bangladesh and one of the winners of the prestigious Aga Khan Awards for Architecture 2022. Together, they identify as community architects, co-founding Co.Creation.Architects (CCA) in 2015. Based in Jhenaidah, Bangladesh, CCA focuses on engaging with marginalised communities and ecological landscapes, believing that by valuing and […]

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Indre Laksevåg Master Plan


In 2020, LondonOn—a collaborative group comprising Haptic Architects; Morris+Company; TurnerWorks; Gort Scott; Elliott Wood; and Urban Systems Design—with the assistance of Vill, won a competition organised by the local government, Bergen City Council, to reinvent the Indre district of Laksevåg, a borough of the city of Bergen in Vestland county, Norway. In Bergen’s last industrial […]

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Hong Kong’s First District-Wide Grey Water Recycling System at Anderson Road Quarry Site


ADAPTING TO SITE CONTEXT While many places in the world are still using fresh water for toilet flushing, Hong Kong has been extensively adopting seawater for flushing since the 1950s, covering about 85 per cent of its population.1 This allows the precious fresh water to be preserved for potable purposes. However, such a system is […]

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