FGLA 2019 Winner: Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap

Institutional / 2nd Quarter 2019

FGLA 2019 Winner: Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap

June 27, 2019


Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap came about as a strategic response to recover the condition of the community affected by the earthquake, and as such, created a quick modular school design. This initiative of post-disaster recovery also became an opportunity to rebuild better by upgrading the quality of learning spaces for the children.

The modular construction system allowed the school to be built as quickly as possible. The whole design and construction process of the two schools in Kerandangan Village—a primary school and a preschool—was completed in less than two months, allowing the children to return to school quickly. The modular units were developed as a plug-and-play configuration that could respond appropriately to different learning space requirements, availability of material components and various site conditions. The configuration of the units ensured that the built-up area is less than 40 per cent, i.e., a smaller footprint on-site, without having to compromise the functional use of the learning areas and the spatial quality.


Team Leader: Professor Yandi Andri Yatmo, ST, M.Arch., Ph.D.
Team Member: Professor Paramita Atmodiwirjo, ST, M.Arch., Ph.D.
Design Team: Universitas Indonesia

20 April 2020 — The modular unit of Sekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap offers a possibility for it to be transformed into isolation units to accommodate COVID-19 patients. A series of modular units can be constructed in a short time to be used as isolation rooms for patients who have been confirmed positive but do not require intensive care in the hospital. This allows the existing hospital capacity to be optimised for patients who are in a serious condition.

A modular unit has flexibility to be utilised to house two single-bed units, a three-bed unit, or a six-bed unit, depending on the needs. The module can also be utilised as a living unit for medical staff who are in charge on the premises, as well as for other functions necessary for accommodating the everyday needs of patients such as catering and laundry. As such, the modular units allow for future transformation to cater for other functions after the pandemic has ended.

The pandemic situation has challenged the practice of architecture to be more responsive to urgent needs, through evidence-based design. The design needs to be based on existing research to ensure the prevention of disease transmission. For example, through careful configuration of space to ensure the required separation and isolation, appropriate air-conditioning systems, as well as the appropriate choices and application of materials. The practice of architecture needs to move away from visual aesthetics that have long become the dominant aspect, and should be more inclined to the performance that could support health and safety of the occupants during this pandemic situation.

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Project NameSekolah Indonesia Cepat Tanggap: Fast Response School for Post-disaster Recovery in Indonesia
Location Kerandangan Village, West Lombok, Indonesia
Completion Date December 2018
Site Area 1,172.5 square metres
Gross Floor Area 433.1 square metres
Number of Rooms 10
Building Height 1 storey
Clients/Owners ILUNI FTUI; Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia; Yayasan Riyadlul Wardiyah
Architecture Firm Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia
Design TeamYandi Andri Yatmo; Paramita Atmodiwirjo; Diandra Pandu Saginatari; Rini Suryantini; Mikhael Johanes; M. Mirza Y. Harahap; AA Ayu Suci Warakanyaka; Arif Rahman Wahid
Main Contractor ILUNI FTUI

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