Marketplace 2045: Transforming Campbell Street Market in Georgetown, Penang

This project by Gan Shing Yen as part of a studio at Universiti Sains Malaysia reflects on how traditional markets can stay ahead amidst shifting customer behaviours. “Traditional markets are considered a sunset industry. As a Gen-Y individual, I seldom visit traditional markets for daily purchases,” Gan reflected. “Meanwhile, commercial retail chains, coffee shops and […]

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Chonburi Multi-purpose Building: Applying Rammed Earth Construction in Thailand

Rammed earth is an ancient construction technique that has been gaining niche popularity in recent years, as environmentally conscious architects seek to design low-energy and resilient buildings amidst a warming climate. Principal architect Peeraya Suphasidh spoke of her inclination to revive this building method: “Although the technique was invented thousands of years ago, it has […]

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The Corner House: An Indoor-outdoor Community Space with an Adaptable Envelope


The city of San Juan is regarded as the geographical ‘heart’ of Metro Manila, the Philippines’s largest metropolitan area. This strategic city predominantly consists of residential areas, with the largest population group comprising 20–24 years old.1 Although there are numerous shopping centres that cater to this young demographic,2 they are largely closed-off, heavily air-conditioned outfits. […]

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Jamun Grove


“We turn towards Nature as our guiding force at Jamun Grove,” Amit Aurora and Rahul Bansal, Partners at groupDCA revealed how they designed their office. At first glance, the low-rise outfit looks like a cluster of cosy cottages, one that will not bring to mind a working environment. But who is to say how or […]

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AGS Burrow by MuseLAB: Repurposing a former warehouse into an ‘experience centre’


AGS Burrow is a centre to showcase and experience products by a water heater and filtration company, located on a 7-by-11 feet plot inside Mumbai’s bustling Lakda Bazaar. The narrow, utilitarian space was formerly an inventory warehouse. “Historically, the bazaar has been a place for carpentry and timber, and it holds an artisanal charm … […]

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CPI W-18b by YIIIE Architects: Between a commercial and a public space


How can design allow commercial functions to be more sustainable while also ‘negotiating’ the public’s access and usability? Such questions drove the creation of this small-scale building, located on the CPI commercial cluster in Chengdu, China with a limited usage of 10 years. The owner’s brief was for the building to be seamlessly integrated with […]

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Revitalisation of Sun Tin Wai Commercial Centre: Recreating a Traditional Village in the City


Liminal spaces often give off a sense of foreboding. Despite the unease they cause, they are still created inevitably in large developments. One reason is the way design and functional planning are parcelled out to different designers. Oftentimes, transitory or service areas are neglected. RELATED: In Praise of Public Spaces Many such leftover spaces are […]

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83 KING LAM STREET: Framing the Courtyard with a Borrowed View


Unlike in urban areas where public spaces are provided as common amenities, they are not expected and are rarely found within industrial areas. However, with Hong Kong transitioning from manufacturing to service, high-tech and creative sectors, many scruffy and utilitarian high-rise factories have been given a makeover through building retrofit, adaptive reuse and even redevelopment. […]

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Spark City Mong Kok: Creating Splashes of Vibrancy for the City


One recent example is Spark City’s collaboration with Art in Place (AIP), a community initiative spearheaded by Urban Land Institute’s (ULI) Hong Kong chapter. It connects artists and real estate developers to contribute back to their community through creative placemaking. AIP starts by identifying underused but potentially impactful real estate for artistic interventions, such as […]

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ZIIN Beijing Store


The project site is part of Langyuan Station, which features a warehouse with pitched roof and brick walls built in the 1960s. Here, two intersected square frameworks were erected, meticulously rotated at 45 degrees, forming an individual structure that is also connected to the original brick wall—a ‘space within a space’. RELATED: The FuturArc Interview: […]

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Over Bakery


This bakery within a narrow street seeks to reflect the surrounding ambience and fit into the living environment where time ‘gently’ flows. Situated on the ground floor of a three-storey office building, at the narrowest corner of Lixi Road, the south façade alongside the street has a slightly concave elevation. RELATED: The FuturArc Interview: Liu […]

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