Choosing A New Material

May - Jun 2016

Choosing A New Material

Brought to you by Antonio Lupi

FLUMOOD is a composite material comprising mainly of aluminium hydroxide and synthetic resins with a small percentage of styrene. It is non-toxic and harmless to people, animals and the environment. Since its thickness is homogeneous throughout, this material can be cleaned with abrasive pads and commercially available abrasive cleaners. Scratches, cigarette burns and stubborn stains can be removed to return the surface to its original form. For cleaning, it is highly recommended to use a liquid detergent together with an abrasive sponge. The use of chemical products such as acetone, trielin or any strong acids is not advisable.

A Tuscan manufacturer of bathroom furniture, antoniolupi, uses FLUMOOD in their bathroom tops and sinks as they are satisfied that this material is ideal for a satin or textured finish.

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