FuturArc Prize 2024 Runner-up and Merit Awarded in Singapore

FuturArc Prize 2024 Runner-up and Merit Awarded in Singapore

SINGAPORE, 3 JULY 2024 – Two solo entrants of FuturArc Prize (FAP) 2024 from Singapore received their awards on Friday, 28 June 2024 at the BCI Asia Awards gala event, held at the Stamford Ballroom of Fairmont Hotel. This year’s FAP theme, Architecture for Life After, asked entrants to propose architectural solutions within Asia for the continuation of life after either Climate Destruction and/or Endings scenarios.

Both proposals that were being awarded in Singapore dealt with waterside contexts in Asia that have been hit by climate change. Winning Second Place in the competition, the proposal titled Coastal Reform: Muara Angke 2100 by Lyvia Simano sought to regenerate the sinking coast of North Jakarta, Indonesia through macro and micro-scale strategies. Simano was presented with the Second Place trophy, certificate, cash prize of SGD3,500 and 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app.

A Merit award was bestowed to Ian Chung for the entry titled The Commons Cooperative, which addressed the declining fish population in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia with architectural interventions that aim to improve the ecosystem and local livelihoods. Chung received a certificate, cash prize of SGD500 and 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app.

In her speech, juror Farizan d’Avezac de Moran highlighted the importance of performance-led design in meeting Singapore’s carbon goals. “We are so familiar with Green design and architecture. However, with climate threats, engineering plays a critical positive role in mitigation but can also play a negative role that contributes to our changing climate. Hence, it is even more pressing for performance-led design to be understood and addressed at the beginning of all design.”

She also shared a message of encouragement to the rest of FAP entrants: “To all those who submitted, never lose hope, keep trying and keep going. Every failure will only lead you closer to success.”

The awarded entries alongside all jurors’ comments will be featured in the 3rd Quarter 2023 issue of FuturArc magazine, and the full panels will also be available as an exclusive supplement on FuturArc app. The regional awards circuit will continue with more winners to be acknowledged at various countries till September 2024.

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Envisioning Architectural Solutions for Climate Destruction and Endings