13 JUNE 2024 – On Friday, 7 June 2024, FuturArc Prize (FAP) 2024 juror Dr Tony Ip was invited to deliver a speech at BCI Asia Awards, a gala event held at Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel.
“I would like to express my gratitude to BCI for inviting me to be one of the jurors for this prestigious international Green architectural design competition. It is truly an honour to be part of this event. I must say that I have been thoroughly impressed by the exceptional quality and innovation displayed in the entries,” he said.
Dr Ip is the Founder of Tony Ip Green Architects (TiP), a practice that advocates Green architecture and a biophilic ‘urbanscape’ in response to climate change. He felt that year’s FAP topic, Architecture for Life After, presented a challenging task. Entrants were asked to propose architectural solutions for life continuation in the face of Climate Destruction and/or Endings scenarios, encompassing significant climate-related disasters as well as the conclusion of lifespans, whether it be humans, non-human species, or ecosystems.
“There were three key ideas that stood out for me among the stronger designs,” said Dr Ip. These include visionary concepts that explore futuristic approaches with emerging technologies; impactful designs that promote well-being; and contextual solutions that considered site-specific factors.
“Congratulations to BCI for the success of the competition and your significant contributions to fostering a sustainable built environment and advocating Green architecture for everyone and everywhere,” he concluded.
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