Carbon Score Launched to Accelerate Malaysia’s Net Zero Targets
MALAYSIA – 27 November 2021: Malaysia Green Building Council (malaysiaGBC), in conjunction with the World Green Building Council’s Advancing Net Zero project, has announced the launch of the malaysiaGBC Carbon Score (MCS) initiative. This is an assessment protocol designed to comprehensively measure the carbon footprint of both new and existing Malaysian buildings, with the aim to accelerate the decarbonisation of the built environment.
Specifically tailored for Malaysian standards and construction practices, this carbon score applies localised carbon factors to evaluate both the operational and embodied greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with building construction and occupancy.
The MCS breaks down a project’s overall carbon footprint according to five subcategories: Energy (operational emissions); Materials (embodied emissions); Transport; Waste; and Emissions Offsets. The score measures individual buildings’ environmental impact, which corresponds with and contributes to national standards for carbon reporting and management.
Focused precisely on net zero emissions targets, the MCS is designed to operate in conjunction with and add value to existing Malaysian Green Building Rating Tools.
The initiative is positioned to further enhance the country’s commitment to global decarbonisation, ensuring that net zero and ultimately carbon-positive buildings become the primary form of construction across all sectors of the Malaysian economy.