1st Quarter 2019
MalaysiaGBC 10th Anniversary 2019 Networking Night
April 30, 2019
Malaysia Green Building Confederation (MalaysiaGBC), a leading organisation of sustainable development in Malaysia, had its 10th Anniversary 2019 Networking Night on 18 January 2019 at The International Gallery at Alya Kuala Lumpur. The event was graced by Chan Seong Aun, president of MalaysiaGBC.
Sustainable development is a business opportunity that will green our environment, mitigate climate change, improve biodiversity and quality of life with reduced operational cost while increasing profitability and creating jobs for our nation. Worldwide, USD6 trillion is spent annually on energy for buildings. At the same time, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has suggested that it is possible to reduce over 80 per cent of energy in buildings globally, or an opportunity of more than USD4.8 trillion to be saved annually.
Meanwhile, in solid waste management, the government spends billions annually to dispose waste in landfills, which are made up of 45 per cent organic waste, a commodity that can be composted into energy and fertiliser. With available technologies that can convert plastic waste into petrol and diesel, etc., the society will benefit as a whole. In addition, a reduction in waste can also mitigate the cost spent on transporting it to landfills.
Therefore, the main objective of this event was to broaden the network of industry players, especially those that are interested in sustainable built environments, as well as share ideas and expertise. As part of the celebration, MalaysiaGBC launched its new logo and the fifth edition of Green Pages Malaysia, a directory of peer-reviewed Green building products, to 130 attendees during the event.
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