1st Quarter 2021
Delivering on a sustainable design intent
April 20, 2021
From “need to have” to “nice to have”
Following through on a sustainable design intent is not always easy, but there’s no time to waste in tackling climate change and other sustainability issues.
So what’s getting in the way?
What are the biggest barriers to achieving more sustainable cities, buildings, interiors and products? Are there viable ways to overcome them? When do top-down regulations need to be bolstered by bottom-up sustainability initiatives?
In this webinar held on 27 January 2021, a diverse panel of speakers tackled the many advocacy, ethical and economic factors at play in the pursuit of sustainable design. They include:
• Yvonne Soh, Executive Director, Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC)
• Benjamin Henry Towell, Senior Architect, Building and Construction Authority (BCA)
• Razvan Ghilic-Micu, Associate, Hassell
• Pan Yi Cheng, Design Director and Co-founder, Produce
• Emily Sim, Director, Panelogue

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