

Click here to read coverage about FuturArc Prize 2023 Winners and Merits awarding across Asia. Thank you once again for your participation and stay tuned for the next cycle of the competition!

The way built environments are designed should keep pace or even foresee changes in societal compositions. Whether countries are facing decreasing birth rates and mortality rates, resulting in an ageing population, or an increasing productive age group—in today’s climate context and resource shortages, can we still afford to design in ‘silos’?

Addressing the needs of an ageing or booming population entails new systems of care and empowerment—taking into account architectural life cycle as well as the life span of functional relevance from the users’ point of view.

FUTURARC PRIZE (FAP) 2023 asks: How can we design architecture that responds to societal issues for tomorrow’s generations amidst ongoing climate and planet challenges? How can we address quality of life and well-being for all age groups together with Nature? How can these built spaces be sustainable and not add further distress to the environment?

In the spirit of contextuality and inclusivity, extra credits will be awarded for (a) the use of local resources and materials; and (b) making space for non-human species (flora and fauna) in the design.



  • Pick a site located in Asia. The site area cannot be larger than 5 hectares or 50,000 square metres. The site may be your current domicile or any place that you are familiar with.
  • Analyse the population census of your selected site at the macro level and within local context. Investigate issues faced by the age groups in the area, supported by real-world data that must be cited and submitted.
  • Decide on a project typology that is mixed-use (no single-function schools; community centres; libraries; parks; resorts; or hotels).
  • Propose a new architectural intervention that could respond to the challenges identified.

Important Notes

  • Your proposal should justify your decision on the basis of relevance, integration, impact and innovation.
  • Designs must be sustainable and have minimal impact on the environment.
  • Designs must be climate resilient; able to withstand all weather conditions in the selected locale.
  • Incorporating Nature/ecological systems is a must; supported by analysis of how the networks or ecosystems are interwoven and not as ad-hoc or add-on aesthetics.
  • Designs must optimise use of resources, in view of current state of the planet’s natural resources.
  • Designs must be based on or reflect real-world data, such as population census of selected site/city/country from relevant sources.
  • This challenge cannot be solved by architecture alone. You are encouraged to consult a sociologist, biologist or ecologist where possible, or at the very least, make inroads into available knowledge on sciences.
  • Your approach should illustrate a win-win solution for both social needs and physical/environmental contextuality.

Evaluation Criteria

Judging will be based on a clear explanation of the following corresponding to the task:

  1. RELEVANCE: The degree to which the proposal is related to the task; the necessity of intervention in terms of design and functions
  2. INTEGRATION: Layers of interacting natural and human-made systems, including but not limited to climate responsiveness/resilience
  3. IMPACT: How a proposed solution affects the surrounding community and the natural environment, including but not limited to the optimisation of natural resources
  4. INNOVATION: Originality of solutions proposed, including but not limited to adoption of technological tools and/or passive strategies

Important Notes

  • Proposals must be supported by relevant real-world data and analysis.
  • Extra credits will be awarded for (a) the use of local resources, materials and manpower, if sufficiently supported with real-world data; and/or (b) making space for non-human species (flora and fauna) in the design.
  • As design and creativity is an accumulation of other ideas, research and groundwork that may come from various sources, judging will also look at how much original ideation is put into the proposals; and at effort put into the process, not just the outcome.

Rules & Regulations


  • FuturArc Prize 2023 is open internationally to any individual or team, student or professional.
  • Each team may comprise up to five members and may comprise different related disciplines. The composition of team members may include students and/or professionals. Teams are prohibited from swapping or removing any existing member of the team. Team members are only allowed to be on one team.
  • One member of the team must also be designated as leader and identified as such on the registration form. This member will be the team’s sole representative in all liaisons with the competition registrar. The team leader must have a background in architecture (i.e., is a student of, has graduated from or is practicing architecture).
  • All members of the team are regarded as co-authors of the project they submitted together and will be acknowledged as such in all announcements, displays, exhibitions and publications associated with the competition.
  • Individual entrants are regarded as the author of the project he/she submits and will be acknowledged as such in all announcements, displays, exhibitions and publications associated with the competition.
  • Each individual entrant is their own representative in all liaisons with the competition registrar.


  • None of the competition organisers, their employees and/or family members, are allowed to enter the competition. The assessment committee and jury members, their respective professional practices, employees and/or family members, are also forbidden to enter the competition.
  • Entrants must not submit any project that has been published or made public, in part or in full, before the closing date for online submission. Entrants are prohibited from disclosing their identities, names, countries of residence and/or practice before the competition results are made public by the competition organiser. Failure to comply with any of the above may lead to immediate disqualification.
  • BCI employees and/or family members are not allowed to enter the competition. Jury members, their respective professional practices, employees and/or family members, are also forbidden to enter the competition.

Terms & Conditions

  • All participants must accept the rules and regulations of the competition.
  • Each registration will only allow for one proposal submission. Participants are not allowed to submit more than one proposal per registration.
  • The participants should not contact the jury under any circumstances.
  • Participants are not allowed to publish or disclose their project anywhere before the final winners are announced.
  • Participants will be held accountable for the data they provide to the Organiser. It is the participants’ responsibility to provide true data during registration.
  • The Organiser has the right to verify the identity of the participants and may ask for further identification proof.
  • Participants are solely responsible for materials submitted. Participants must be accountable for the proposals they submit and it should not infringe or violate any third-party intellectual rights, or any laws, contribute to or encourage infringing or otherwise unlawful conduct. By submitting the proposals, participants are representing that they are the owner of such materials and/or have all the necessary rights, licenses and authorisation to distribute it.
  • The Organiser is not responsible for the use of protected images and/or materials by any of the participants.
  • Participants are expected to submit original work. Copying someone else’s work or using copyrighted images, photos, architectural/art pieces is strictly prohibited and will result in recalling all prizes and removal from the website, social media and publication.
  • Participants must cite and describe supporting studies/articles, image sources or references used for their proposals as accurately and comprehensively as possible. In the event that they are found to be contrary to the submitted information, the Organiser has the right to disqualify or recall award.
  • The Organiser does not approve, endorse or validate any proposals or awarded entries. The Organiser will not accept any liability for omissions or errors. The Organiser is not responsible for statements or opinions expressed by the participants nor do such statements necessarily represent the views of the Organiser unless stated otherwise. The Organiser disclaims any and all liability, which may be claimed arising out of reliance upon the information presented.
  • The Organiser reserves the right to make any changes to the competition’s dates, deadlines, requirements, etc. Any changes or updates will be announced on the official competition website and social media channels. It is the responsibility of all participants to check the abovementioned sources on a regular basis.

Intellectual Property

  • All materials submitted to the competition will become part of the Organiser’s files. The Organiser will have the full rights to publish and promote these materials, and make proper mention of the participants who authored the proposals.
  • By submitting a proposal, participants are giving the Organiser the right to use the received materials in both printed and online platforms/publications.
  • The Organiser will also have the right to modify any of the materials submitted in order to better adapt them to the different formats and layouts that the platforms/publications might have.

Submission Materials & Requirements

Panels [click to download]

  • Entries are to be submitted by following the specified template (5 panels per entry; 4 for design proposal, 1 for citations/references).
  • Maximum file size of all 5 panels to be submitted is 15MB; in A2 size, PDF format. If you are selected as a winner/merit, you will need to provide high-resolution individual images of your panels.
  • Images should consist only of drawings, rendered images, photographs and thumbnails.
  • The total site area; actual images of the site; and geographical coordinates must be included.
  • Scales that are necessary to comprehend certain drawings (plans, sections, etc.) must be shown as graphic scales next to the drawing.
  • The contents of the panels should be sufficient to impart a clear understanding of the proposal and presented according to the stated evaluation criteria.
  • Any names, countries of residence and/or practice MUST NOT be displayed anywhere on the panels.
  • Panels should be submitted in English; entries submitted in other languages will be disqualified.


You can also download the Submission Forms & Template package here:
[Click to download] ZIP file, 138 KB

Submission Steps

  1. Register for free from the banner on FuturArc App:
    Download on App Store | Download on Play Store
    or scan the QR code below:
    FuturArc App QR Code
  2. Submit the materials via:

*Indicate in your email subject the project name and your name (or team leader’s name); for example: Rebar House_Dinda Wijaya

  • Please note that you need to complete both steps (1) and (2) in order for your entry to be considered legitimate. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.
  • Any submission that does not respect the submission requirements will be disqualified.


All winners will be awarded with the FuturArc Prize Trophy and the following cash prizes*.

  • First Place: Cash prize of SGD8,000 plus 2-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Second Place: Cash prize of SGD3,500 plus 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Third Place: Cash prize of SGD2,000 plus 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Merit (up to 12 places will be given): SGD500 each plus 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app

Each Winner/Winning team will receive:

  1. Cash prize
  2. One trophy (only 1 trophy will be awarded for each winner or winning team)
  3. Certificates
  4. Complimentary subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app

Each Merit recipient/team will receive:

  1. Cash prize
  2. Certificates
  3. Complimentary subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
  • Awards will be given based on quality of entry, regardless of the country of origin.
  • Awards given to team entrants will be presented to the team representative and are to be shared at the discretion of the team members.
  • All projects from winning entrants and merit recipients may be published on FuturArc website, social media and in FuturArc magazine.
  • The jury shall have full freedom to decide on the winners and merits. The jury decision shall be final and binding on all entrants.
  • The competition registrar reserves the right to not award any prize where the jurors agree that submissions are of insufficient quality.
  • Digital certificates of participation will be sent out to all registrants.
  • Provided that physical events are allowed to take place, awardees will be recognised at BCI Asia Awards (BCIAA)—a gala event that attracts key architecture, building and construction industry players in Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam respectively.

* Competition Organiser reserves the right to change the prizes.


blank Nan Chyuan is a Director at FARM, a cross-disciplinary design practice that won the President*s Design Award in 2010. In 2017, he was recognised as one of Singapore’s emerging architects in Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA)’s 20 Under 45 exhibition. He graduated from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and subsequently from the Architectural Association in London, and is now an Adjunct Assistant Professor at NUS. He is currently the First Vice President and Education Thrust Chair of the Singapore Institute of Architects, where he has been a council member since 2019. Among his notable projects is a prototype nursing home design as part of the Centre for Ageing Research in the Environment (CARE)’s study led by NUS in collaboration with URA.
blank Dr Miya Irawati trained as an architect and urban planner, and is a Green building practitioner. Since 2007, she has been involved in devising policies to pilot initiatives for the housing sector in Indonesia with ministries, local governments, universities and research centres ranging from Southeast Asia to Europe and the US. She has taught at Tarumanagara University and abroad since 2008. From 2016–2021, Dr Miya was a researcher at Urban-Rural Systems, Future Cities Laboratory (FCL), ETH Zurich, in Singapore. In 2017, she received a scholarship from FCL and National Research Foundation of Singapore to obtain a PhD in Human Geography from National University of Singapore. Her project with ETH Zurich called Expandable House implements sustainable architectural values for housing provision in peri-urban, migrational areas of Monsoon Asia. It was awarded Best Living Space in Asia-Pacific by INDE AWARDS and was part of the shortlist for the 2022 Aga Khan Award for Architecture.
blank Dr Tan Loke Mun has been a trailblazer for Green and tropical architecture in Malaysia throughout an influential career spanning more than 30 years. Aside from being a long-standing member of the Board of Architects (LAM) since 2003 and the President of the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM) 2005-07, he was the team leader responsible for setting up the nation’s first Green Building Index (GBI) rating tool in 2009. He is the recipient of the prestigious Kington Loo Gold Medal, ASEAN Energy Award, FuturArc Green Leadership Award, and numerous PAM and REKA Awards. The multi-award winning GBI Platinum-rated S11 House is one of his biggest ideological successes.
blank Quang Vũ Linh is a sustainable design architect, researcher and educator who has gained empirical knowledge and practical experience from his educational background in Australia, where Green practices and Green Star rating tools are well-known; and BIM technology at University College of Northern Denmark. Quang is on the Board of Directors of Vietnam Green Building Council and Advisory Board for EDGE (IFC, World Bank) Green building certification; and is Vice President of HCMC Green Architecture Club and Committee member of IBPSA International Building Performance Simulation Association Vietnam. He currently is the Managing Director at ARDOR Green. He was awarded the Young Architect of the Year 2014 by Vietnam Urban Planning and Development Association; and was conferred Top 10 Architects Award by BCI Asia thrice in 2009, 2015 and 2021.


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I register for FuturArc Prize 2023?
Register for free via FuturArc App by downloading the app (App Store | Play Store) and clicking on the banner.


2. Can I submit my entry to FuturArc Prize 2023 in person?
Entrants are encouraged to tender all submissions in electronic format online (see Submission Steps).

3. Can I submit additional materials?
Under no circumstances will the jury consider additional panels, materials or individual images that do not fit into the submission template.

4. Will I be notified about the outcome of the submission?
Only winners and merit recipients (i.e., runners-up) will be notified individually via email. Digital certificates of participation will be sent out to all registrants who submit their entries.

5. Can I submit multiple entries?
Each individual/team entrant can only submit 1 proposal. Multiple entries per individual/team entrant will not be allowed. In the event of multiple entries per individual/team entrant, only the latter date of submission will be counted.

6. How do I find out updates about FuturArc Prize 2023?
Please check for official updates on FuturArc website and/or social media channels. This is to ensure all participants have access to the same amount of information. Questions sent via social media channels will not be addressed.

7. How do I contact the Organiser if I have questions?
All questions must be sent to [email protected] to be addressed.

NEW 8. I am not an architecture professional or student; can I participate in FuturArc Prize 2023?
As stated in the Rules & Regulations, other disciplines (such as, but not limited to, landscape architecture, urban design, planning, engineering, interior design, graphic design, psychology, sociology etc.) may be part of the team. We encourage a collaboration of multiple disciplines in order to enrich the design. However, the team leader must be an architect or architecture student/graduate, since this brief specifically asks for architectural interventions as a key component of the design proposal.

NEW 9. Will I receive a confirmation email for my registration and submission?
After registering, you will receive an automated confirmation email that contains important information about the FuturArc Prize 2023 template and forms. Please check your Junk mail just in case; or add [email protected] to your whitelist.

Submissions sent via email will not receive confirmation emails. If you would like to receive an automated notification when we download your entry, you may send via WeTransfer link.
See Submission Steps above for more detail.

NEW 10. I need to update/correct my registration data (institution/contact number/address/team members/etc.) How can I do that?
To update or correct your registration data, simply re-register under the same email address, and your latest date of registration will count as the updated data. Please note that registration data can not be changed after your entry has been submitted.

Key Dates

  • Mid-October 2022: Registration & submission start
  • 17 February 2023 (23:59 Singapore time/UTC+8): Registration & submission end
  • End March to April 2023: Results & individual notification
  • May to June 2023: Awards*

*Awards ceremony dates are to be confirmed.

Competition Organiser reserves the right to change the schedule of the competition.



For any queries, please contact us at [email protected]

What is FuturArc Prize?

Launched in 2008, FuturArc Prize is the first international Green building design competition in Asia open to professionals and students. It aims to trigger continuous change and creativity in the art and science of building design, showcasing innovative ideas and solutions for a sustainable future. With a highly respected international jury and tremendous industry support, the Prize enables Green building design ideas and practitioners to emerge on the regional stage. Winning entries from the competition are published in both the Journal’s annual Green edition and on its website. Year after year, the competition attracts an increasing number of participants from more than 15 countries.

Competition Registrar
FuturArc Prize
300 Beach Road
The Concourse
Singapore 199555
Email: [email protected]

FuturArc is the Competition Organiser. FuturArc is a quarterly publication that recognises the impact of buildings on society and the environment, promoting architecture that is socially and ecologically responsible.

The Competition Registrar is BCI Central Singapore Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of the BCI Group of Companies.