Six Actions to Enable Walking, Cycling and Public Transport for People and Planet

Commentary / 1st Quarter 2023

Six Actions to Enable Walking, Cycling and Public Transport for People and Planet

March 21, 2023

A robust public transportation system to reduce climate impact does not stand alone—it is supported by policies and urban forms that encourage people to use and sustain it. These are actions that have been outlined by the SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport11 to promote the uptake of active urban mobility:

1. Prioritising the promotion, support and scale up of walking, cycling and public transport, as well as the decoupling of economic growth and private car use, with tailored educational, policy and funding measures.
2. Investing in infrastructure that enables walking, cycling and public transport, by, among other actions, reallocating existing funding from fossil fuel subsidies.
3. Implementing integrated land and transport design and planning, with robust safeguards for healthy, gender-sensitive, pro-poor and disabilities-conscious impacts so these modes effectively become the most convenient options for most trips.
4. Involving multidisciplinary health experts in the development and implementation of walking, cycling and public transport policy.
5. Enhancing coordination among different tiers of government, as well as the technical and financial capacities of sub-national and local governments to help cities and communities realise this shift in design, planning, funding and implementation.
6. Applying an integrated and balanced mix of Avoid–Shift–Improve transport strategies to reduce emissions and increase equitable access to resilient transport systems.

[This is an excerpt. Subscribe to the digital edition or hardcopy to read the complete article.]

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